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The respected Israeli archaeologist, Israel Finkelstein says that over 90 per cent of scholars do not believe there ever was an Exodus from Egypt as described in The Bible. On this view, Moses could never have been alive in the historical sense. And the Amarna Letters prove conclusively that Palestine continued to be ruled by petty Canaanite kings under overall Egyptian control until at least 1270 BCE.

So, Moses is certainly biblical, in fact one of the most important people in the Bible. But he was not historical.

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Both. Moses was a real person that led the nation of Israel at about 1445 BC. Google search it.

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Q: Was Moses historical or biblical
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How did Abraham and Moses shape the history of the Hebrew and Israelites?

A:There has to be a religious answer and a historical answer to a question like this. The religious answer, based on biblical tradition, is that Abraham, as the first of the Patriarchs and ancestor of the Hebrew people, received a covenant from God, promising that his descendants would inherit the Promised land. The biblical tradition is that Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God. Many believes say that Moses actually wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. Finally, Abraham and Moses are credited with being the founders of Judaism.Historians say that the biblical account of Abraham conflicts too much with what we know about history, and that the available evidence is that he was purely mythical, not a historical person. Almost all scholars say that there was no Exodus from Egypt as described in The Bible, therefore the story of Moses is another unhistoric legend. The consensus is that the first five books of the Old Testament were actually written during the first millennium BCE, centuries after the time attributed to Moses. The historical answer is therefore that neither Abraham nor Moses has shaped the history of the Hebrews and Israelites, although the existence of the legends that surround them has had a very real influence.