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It is hard to say. God made humans out of his own image I doubt unless they have changed themselves that angels are any different.

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Q: Was Lucifer in human form
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Is Lucifer just 1 guy?

Lucifer, now called Satan, is one fallen angel.

Who is Lucifer's brothers?

As far as we know Lucifer does not have a son. Lucifer is a spiritual being and they do not procreate.

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Lucifer has the power of illusion.

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The character of Lucifer is... eh, he shunned god for creating an imperfect being such as a human... he is/was an angel of justice... and also full of pride (which is why he started thinking that god wasn't worthy of his throne, because god wasn't prideful enough).

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Lucifer is a fallen angel.

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No, Freemasons don't love Lucifer.

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Hendrick Lucifer was born in 1583.

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Lucifer means Light-bearer.

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The Flight to Lucifer was created in 1979.

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Lucifer's Hammer was created in 1977.

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The ISBN of The Lucifer Principle is 9780871135322.