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James was baptized Catholic after his birth because it was the faith of his parents, but after Mary Stuart abdicated and escaped Scotland, James was raised Presbyterian by his regents. When he took the English Crown at Elizabeth's death, he changed over to Anglican.

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12y ago

King James VI of Scotland (and I of England) was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Lord Darnley and he was christened Catholic (his parents religion), however, following his father's murder and his mother's enforced abdication and flight into England and eventual execution under her Cousin Queen Elizabeth I, James, only a child was placed in the care of the Earl and Countess of Mar and brought up a Protestant. King James II, was King James VI & I's grandson and he was a Catholic. He lost his throne to his Protestant daughter Queen Mary II and her husband William III (Of the Dutch House of Orange).

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13y ago

No king James wanted to get away from the Catholic Church and started his own church the church of England.

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11y ago

Yes. James was a Roman Catholic but excommunicated by Cardinal Bainbridge (under Pope Julius II) for breaking a solemn oath of perpetual peace made with Henry VII.

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10y ago

No but he married a Catholic and parailement and the people did not like it

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12y ago

No, King James was a Protestant.

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14y ago

he was a protestant

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13y ago


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