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In Matthew and Mark, the earliest New Testament gospels,it seems that only Jesus saw the dove (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10: "He saw ...).

Luke changes the original passage so that it is ambiguous as to whether others saw the dove.

The fourth Gospel, John, does not explicitly mention the dove, but says that John the Baptist saw the Spirit descend upon Jesus. Presumably this was the dove and the Baptist somehow knew for certain that the dove was the Holy Spirit.

Interestingly, the Jews had previously associated Lady Wisdom (Greek: Sophia) with the dove, and Christianity assimilated this as the Holy Spirit.

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Q: Was John the only person to see the dove on Jesus?
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The gospels say that Jesus then saw the heavens open and the Spirit descend on him like a dove. In Mark's Gospel, only Jesus saw this, but in John's Gospel, John the Baptist also saw the heavens open and the Spirit descend on Jesus like a dove.

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As far as we know, it's been in record only once when John baptized Jesus.

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AnswerThe synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) agree that Jesus was baptised, after which the Spirit descended on him like a dove and a voice from heaven said, "Thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew says John forbade Jesus, saying that Jesus should baptise him instead, but this is absent fom the others. Matthew and Mark say that only Jesus saw the dove descend from heaven, while Luke is unclear on whether others saw it. John's Gospel does not actually mention the baptism, but does say that John saw the Spirit descend upon Jesus like a dove.

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The earliest gospel and source for the later gospels, the Gospel of Mark, reports no reaction by either John the Baptist or the crowd who saw the baptism. This is not surprising, because Jesus had not yet performed any miracles and John did not know that Jesus was the messiah he prophesied. Only Jesus saw the heavens open and a dove descend on him. Matthew's Gospel says that John the Baptist realised who Jesus was, and forbade him to be baptised, but Jesus insisted. Again, there was no reaction from the crowd. Luke's Gospel says that John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus, but does not report any reluctance by John to baptise Jesus. There is no reaction by the crowd. John's Gospel, which portrays Jesus as God, does not actually report whether he was actually baptised, but this is implied. There is no reaction of the crowd reported, but this time John actually saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and knew it was Jesus.

Did only Jesus see the Spirit of God descend on him at his baptism?

A:Exactly who saw the Spirit descend as a dove on Jesus depends on which gospel you read. If we go back to the original gospel account, in Mark 1:10-11, it is only Jesus who sees the Spirit as a dove and hears the voice of God saying to Jesus, "Thou art my Son ...".Matthew 3:16-17 copies the original faithfully, except for having God say, "This is my Son ..." as if speaking to witnesses. Nevertheless, Matthew still describes only Jesus as seeing the Spirit as a dove.Luke also copies from Mark, but Luke 3:22 is ambiguous. Reading this gospel without the benefit of the previous two, one could assume that everyone present saw the Spirit descend as a dove onto Jesus.John was loosely based on Luke, which as seen above is ambiguous as to who saw the dove. The author was therefore able to say (John 1:32) that John the Baptist actually saw the dove descend from heaven and alight on Jesus.

Who batizied Jesus?

The Person who baptized Jesus was John the Baptist( Jesus' cousin) and when John baptized Jesus, God, His father came from heaven and told the people who Jesus was ans what he would do. God is the only real God who is Jesus' father and who is also Jesus Christ. its a bit confusing :) but Jesus Christ is the only true God and if you don't believe in him and ask him into your life then you may not live in eternity. (heaven)

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Jesus is only a name.. Jesus cannot kiil "Dahak" because it is not a person. unless a person's name is Jesus then it can only vary on there strenght :)

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(Jesus) God. The only person who created us,and this world.He came to this earth to die on the cross for our sins. refer to John 3:16.

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A dove is a symbol of peace for many people. The Dove is religious circles is a picture of the Holy Spirit. To have a dove follow you many believe it is a sign the Holy Spirit is following you.

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Jesus was the only person to have died for the sins of the world.

Why did John write his Gospel and Epistles in the third person?

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