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The answer is "either or neither". Those geographic categorizations would not develop for many centuries, until Jewish communities had developed throughout Europe, evolving distinctive differences in pronunciation of Hebrew as well as in some ritual customs.

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Our Blessed Lord lived His mortal life approximately 9 centuries before the remaining descendants of the Jews who did not believe he was the Messiah, first began to be identified as Ashkenazi or Sepharidic.

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Q: Was Jesus an Ashkenazic or Sephardic Jew?
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Neither. He was not an Arabian Jew, and there were no American Jews prior to the 1600s. If you are asking whether he was an Ashkenazic Jew or a Sephardic Jew, those distinctions had not yet developed.

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No , she is a "Sephardic Jew."

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No. There is no Jewish tradition (Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Beta Israel (Ethiopia), Sabra (Israeli), etc.) that has any form of Christmas celebration.

Where does the accent point of sabbath go?

In English? SAbbath. In Ashkenazic Hebrew? SHAbos. In Sephardic Hebrew? shaBAT.

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Yes, Ashkenazic Jew from Europe area.

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Agudas (Ashkenazic) or Agudat (Sephardic) is a Hebrew word meaning association. It is a common word in the names of Jewish congregations.

How do you prounounce pi hahiroth?

European/Ashkenazic: "PEE hah-KHEE-rowss" Israeli/Sephardic: "PEE hah-khee-RAWT" Yemenite: Similar to Sephardic, with differences too subtle for me to figure out how to represent them in transliteration.

What is the difference between sephardic and ashkenazi Jews?

Where they're from. Sephardic Jews originate from Spain (called Sepharad in Hebrew) and Ashkenazic Jews originate from Germany (called Ashkenaz in Hebrew). Over the years these terms have become more generic, and Ashkenazic has come to mean Jews from most countries in Europe, and Sephardic to mean from Spain or any African country.

Is Alain Boublil a Jew?

Boublil was born in Tunisia, to a Sephardic Jewish family, in 1941.

Why are Ashkenazic Jews stricter than Sephardic Jews?

Ashkenazi Jews aren't more strict than Sephardi Jews, this question is based on a false assumption.

When was Jesus the Jew created?

Jesus the Jew was created in 1973.