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All Jews are Hebrews. Jesus was both a Jew and a Hebrew. The term "Jew" referred to the people of Judea, of which Jesus was a member, and was used as early as the fourth century BCE (including in the book of Esther).

All Jews were Hebrews (since a Hebrew is any descendant of Eber and Eber is an ancestor of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the ancestors of the Jews), but not all Hebrews were Jews. Jesus was also more strongly aligned with the Pharisees he rejected than any of the other contemporaneous Jewish movements. Although the Pharisees would not become the dominant form of Judaism until the Talmud was published, their views and methods of interpretation were certainly well-developed by Jesus' time.

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9y ago

Jew and Hebrew mean the same thing. Hebrew is a more outdated term, usually referring to the people of Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. And yes, Jesus is described in the New Testament as a Jew/Hebrew.

"Jew" and "Hebrew" mean the same thing. Hebrew is a more outdated term, usually referring to the people of Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity.

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9y ago

Jew and Hebrew mean the same thing. Hebrew is a more outdated term, usually referring to the people of Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. And yes, Jesus is described in the New Testament as a Jew/Hebrew.

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9y ago

Yes, Jesus was a Jew/Hebrew. Hebrew and Jew are the same thing.

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9y ago

"Jew" and "Hebrew" mean the same thing. Hebrew is a more outdated term, usually referring to the people of Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity.

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6y ago

Yes, Jesus was a Jew/Hebrew. (Hebrew and Jew are the same thing.)

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Q: Was Jesus a Jew or a Hebrew?
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Native what? Jesus was/is a Jew.

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