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no england was not c;

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Q: Was England a catholic country at the time Jamestown was founded?
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Which of these was not a Catholic country at the time of the founding of Jamestown?

The Catholic Countries in Europe at the beginning of the seventeenth century (1600) were: Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Venice, Papal States, Naples, and those parts of the Holy Roman Empire which had not gone over to the Lutherans or Calvinists: Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Hungry, etc.

Which European nation founded a settlement in jamestown?


Which European founded a settlement in Jamestown?


What are some settlers who founded Jamestown?

The Virginia Company founded Jamestown,Virginia in 1607. They called it that after England's King James I.

Which European nation founded a settlement at Jamestown?


In 1607 which was the first of the thirteen colonies founded by England?


When was Jamestown found?

In 1607, England found Jamestown on the coast of present -day Virginia.

What was the name of England's first colony in America?

I am assuming you mean in America right? Jamestown, founded in 1607

Where was Jamestown was founded?

Jamestown was founded in Virginia

Is the US a Catholic country?

No, the United States was founded by Puritans and Pilgrims trying to escape the Established Church of England, which was Anglican.

In 1607 the British founded their first colony and called it?

The British colony of Jamestown was founded on the coast of what is now the state of Virginia in 1607. The colony was named after King James of England.

When was CAFOD founded?

CAFOD, also known as the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, was founded in 1962 by the Catholic Church in England and Wales.