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no he was Jewish

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Q: Was Einstein Catholic
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What groups did Albert Einstein's belong to?

Albert Einstein was Jewish or catholic i don't know

What ethnic group did Albert Einstein belong to?

albert Einstein was Jewish or catholic i don't know

Where was Einstein educated?

Einstein completed his early education in Switzerland at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich. He later obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Zurich.

Was Albert Einstein homeschooled?

No, Albert Einstein was not homeschooled. He attended school like most children of his time, receiving his early education in a Catholic elementary school and then later attending a high school in Switzerland.

Did the Catholic Church discover the Big Bang?

The Catholic Church, per se, did not 'discover' the Big Bang Theory. However, the original theory was first proposed by a Catholic monsignor from Belgium, Father George Lemaitre, in 1933, after reading Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Where did Alert Einstein go to School?

From the age of 5-10 Einstein attended a private Catholic elementary school. For a secondary school, Einstein attended Luitpold Gymansium in Munich, Germany. Einstein applied to attend Eidgenossische Polytechnische Schule in Zurich, Switzerland but was denied entrance. Instead he finished his secondary schooling in Aarau, Switzerland. Later in 1896 Einstein joined the mathematics and physics department at Eidgenossische Polytechnische Schule in Zurich, Switzerland and finished his education there.

Was Albert Einstein's blood line German Jewish or just German?

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm Germany in 1879. His family were non observant Jews so yes he was both German and Jewish but they did not pracitce that religon and sent him to Catholic school

Who were the members of Albert Einstein's family?

Eduard Einstein, Mileva Einstein, and Hans EinsteinEduard Einstein, Mileva Einstein, and Hans Einstein

What is Albert's Einstein full name?

Albert Einstein Einstein had no middle name.

Who were Albert Einstein's children?

Lieserl Einstein, Hans Einstein, und Eduard Einstein

Who were Albert Einstein's parent?

Albert Einstein's father was Hermann Einstein and his mother was Pauline Einstein.

Who were the two sons of Albert Einstein?

Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein maybe twins