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Q: Was Babylon a city or a city-state?
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What is the major city of Babylon?

Babylon was the capital city of Babylonia (Babylonian empire)

What is a citystate?

a city which has it's own government and militaryIt is a state with a large well known city in it

What cities were near the Euphrates?

They are Babylon city/ Uruk city/and Ur city.

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Babylon is the richest and biggest city in the ancient time.

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Where did Babylon come from?

it was an ancient city ruled by Hammurabi.

What ancient city was famous for its Hanging Gardens?

Babylon, Iraq

How did City of Evil by Avenged Sevenfold get its name?

In the song Beast and the Harlot, the city Babylon is referred to as "A City of Evil". Therefore, the album City of Evil is named after Babylon.