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Noone can honestly answer that question.there is no record even close to being old enough to figure out if he is white black hispanic or any of those.though he was quite possibly a mixture of all races. he probuably had the tan of an isralian man.

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Q: Was Adam a Black Man
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Adam , the first man was Black!

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Adam unless you believe god is black :)

Who is the original man?

According to the Bible, Adam was the first man, created by God. According to history before the bible was written, the original man was the Asiatic black man!

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When was Adam named?

The name Adam is simply Hebrew for 'man'. In fact, different analyses can be made of the chapters in which Adam (and 'man') is mentioned, by either replacing 'Adam' by 'man', or replacing 'man' by 'Adam'.

When was Black Adam created?

Black Adam was created in 1945.

When did Adam Black die?

Adam Black died in 1874.

When was Adam Black born?

Adam Black was born in 1784.

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Is Adam hands black?

Yes, Mr Adam Hands of Liverpool is Black.

Was Adam a man or a boy?

Since God gave Adam a wife, it is most likely Adam was created as a man.