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human rights

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Q: Universal moral rights that belong to all people because they are human are known as?
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Do natural rights belong to women and slaves only or to everyone?

Natural Rights belong to all people.

Which article gives the rights not granted by the constitution to the people?

In a real sense, the article does not 'give' anything to the people. All rights belong to the people fundamentally. Rights that are not specifically given to the government are reserved to the people; it is understood that those rights already belong to the people.

What articles of the universal declaration of human rights were violated during the holocaust?

Because 9 million innocent people were killed

Why was the Universal Declaration of Human rights ceated?

Because we want to protect people so that we will not have to deal with anymore disasters similar to the Holocaust.

How did the Armenian genocide take away human rights?

A genocide is when thousands of people are killed because of who they are, what religion they practice, and what ethnicity they belong to. Not only are they murdered, but they loose rights in the process.

What is the main purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

All people in the world should have certain rights.

What is the name of the document of laws and rights for people?

bill of rightsThere is also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

According to john Locke who does inalienable rights in a social contract belong to?

John Locke believes that inalienable rights in a social contract belong to the people. People need government but the government needs to do what is best for the people.

In what year did the UN adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Like the U.S. Bill of Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a list of rights guaranteed to all people. It includes many of the rights in the Bill of Rights, and several that are not in the Bill of Rights, such as the right to work, the right to be educated, and the right to food and housing.

Why do people have liberty and rights?

people have rights because of the bill of rights

When was Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created in 1948.

Who chooses all the people who put together the Harry Potter movies?

the people who own the rights, which is universal studios