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Q: Under who's leadership did the hebrews made a covenant with yahweh?
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What came first Abraham moved to canaan or the hebrews moved to Egypt?

Abraham was alive several generations BEFORE the Hebrews moved to Eypt, because they moved under the leadership of Abraham's grandson, Jacob.

Who was Hebrews written for?

The author of the book is unknown but it was written for the Hebrews, but it has applications for us today.Another perspective:As its name implies, Hebrews was written specifically for the benefit of Jewish converts to Christianity. It encourages these Jewish Christians to stand fast in their new faith, and it fully explains the relationship between the Old covenant of the Law (under which they and their ancestors had lived and worshiped for so long) and the New covenant in Christ. The detailed explanation of the relationship between the covenants continues to be of invaluable benefit today, regardless of the readers' background.

What is difference between old covenant and new covenant?

The old covenant, found in the Old Testament, was based on the laws given to the Israelites through Moses. The new covenant, established through Jesus in the New Testament, emphasizes grace, forgiveness, and personal relationship with God rather than adherence to strict laws and rituals. Jesus's sacrifice on the cross served as the foundation for the new covenant, offering salvation to all who believe in Him.

How did the ancient Hebrews escape from Egypt?

Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea so the Jews could cross.

What verse in the bible did say he come to fill the covenant?

There are many verses in the Bible saying that Jesus fulfils the new covenant, and here is one: And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance (Hebrews 9.15)

Did the Egyptians move?

They moved because the wasn't enough water for them to survive. They moved so they could be near the Nile river. The Nile river supplied them with enough water for the Israelites, also in the book of exodus.

Are Hebrews categorised under arabians?

No, they are not.

The Hebrews migrated to Cannan under whom?


Why did the Hebrews view the Exodus as a crucial event?

The Hebrews viewed the Exodus as a crucial event because it represented their liberation from slavery in Egypt and the beginning of their journey to the Promised Land. It marked the establishment of their covenant with God and their identity as a chosen people. The Exodus story also became a key part of their cultural and religious narrative.

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Under leadership and management styles, managers usaually ask what and when

Is it true or false that the letter to the Hebrews teaches that Jesus' sacrifice supersedes all other sacrifices?

The answer is true. The writer of Hebrews points out that Jesus Christ is superior in every way to anything else. And why should He not be superior, He is the Son of the living God.Additional thoughts:Hebrews 9:10,23-26 compares the animal sacrifices under the Mosaic Law to the far superior sacrifice of the promised Messiah, Jesus(Hebrews 7:22-25). The "Law" was a 'shadow of the good things to come' as it prefigured the ultimate sacrifice of God's son (Hebrews 10:1,2,10) which would make the 'old covenant' (the Mosaic Law with it's sacrifices) obsolete (Hebrews 8:6+13/Hebrews 7:18+19).

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Under leadership and management styles, managers usaually ask what and when