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Intelligent design can be used as an explanation for the intricate detail and complexity of microscopic organisms, if you want to believe that way. If you don't want to believe that way, you can use the very improbable theory of evolution to explain it. Either way is a matter of what you are willing to accept as true or possible.

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Intelligent design is a pseudoscientific approach to "explain" how things came to be in the plant and animal kingdom. It proves nothing. Reasonable and development of the eye, for instance, can be tracked from light sensitive patches of skin to the modern eye by demonstrable examples in existing species. Occams razor states that if a simple reason exists (e.g. animals that evolved increasingly efficient vision tended to survive) it is more likely to be true than a complex reason (e.g. there is a whole order of invisible beings whose existence cannot be proven magically making thing then hiding all traces of their doing it)

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For Evolutionists, the answer would be "False." For Creationists, the answer would be "True."

See also:

God's wisdom seen in His creations

More about God's wisdom

Evidence for Creation

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Q: True or false Intelligent design is shown in the intricate detail and complexity of microscopic organisms?
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