Ibrahim, son of the prophet Muhammad (peace upon him), was born to the Christian (Coptic) mother Mary (or Mariya Al-Qeptia as called in Arabic).
Muhammad Ibrahim was born in 1911.
Muhammad Ibrahim Kamel was born in 1927.
Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo was born on 1915-08-12.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the holy city called makkah
Muhammad Ibrahim - Mughal emperor - was born on 1703-08-09.
Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan was born on 1915-04-10.
Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal was born on 1928-08-15.
Ibrahim Sulayman Muhammad Arbaysh was born on 1979-07-07.
The prophet Muhammad PBUH was born as an orphan & His mother died after a while. He PBUH had no brothers or sisters.
Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al ash-Sheikh was born in 1893.
Ibrahim Ahmad Abd al-Sattar Muhammad was born in 1956.
He was born in Makkah, in the tribe of Quraish.