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Q: To what extent did anti protestantism contributeto Louis's downfall?
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What extent did anti-protestantism contribute to Louis downfall?

Anti-protestantism contributed a lot to Louis' downfall because it caused them to not agree with him on many issues ;)

What extent did anti-protestantism contribute to louis's downfall?

Anti-protestantism contributed a lot to Louis' downfall because it caused them to not agree with him on many issues ;)

To what extent did anti-protestantism contribute to louis's downfall?

Anti-protestant movements forced Louis to set some boundaries which included the Edict of Fontainebleau. However, this action lead to his downfall.

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The reaction of the people greatly affected Louis XIV's reign and eventually led to the downfall of his monarchy.

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His fate was responsible because of who he is and where he comes from he was destined not to move ahead. It depends on him and he is responsible for his doing

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don't know all is know is... Julius Caesar was a really important person in Rome history. He was history's grates generals and key ruler of the Roman Empire. In 45 B.C he was named dictator of Rome "for life". That is why later on he get's killed by a group of jealous people "friends of Caesar" that where in the senate with him. He got killed by Brutus because he was afraid that under the leadership of Caesar, the Romans would be enslaved. And that he would probably become king



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