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The goal was to get to moksha. If you were at the bottom of the Caste System you would have to be reincarnated and keep working your way up the caste system and when you got to priest or pharaoh you would get to moksha (die without being reincarnated)

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Q: The ultimate goal of Hindus was?
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How do tou think the yogas bring hindus closer to Brahman?

yes, i certainly do believe that yoga brings you closer to Ultimate goal of life. Ultimate goal of life is to reunite with Lord Brahma.

The ultimate goal of the Hindus is to?

The ultimate goal for those who follow Sanatana Dharma is to attain moksha, that is to be freed from the cycle or births in this world. The soul of someone who attains moksha will join Brahman, or they might choose to be born again to guide people.

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Main goal of Hinduism is to live life happily and attain the highest joys of this life. Also Ultimate goal of Hinduism is to attain Moksha (liberation) or reunite with Supreme God.

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It is called Moksha or Mukti. It is also sometimes called Niravana.

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What is the ultimate goal of the holocaust?

There was no ultimate goal of the Holocaust. The Holocaust is a name that we use to describe a set of events.

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What is intermediate goal?

a goal which must be achieved in order to accomplish your ultimate goal

How do most Hindus regard their journey through life?

Hindus of today are different from the earlier Hindus who followed the Sanatana Dharma. Those ancient Hindus regarded their journey of life to be one where they have to attain the goal of Moksha or Liberation. Today's Hindus are as lost as the rest of the world. We believe in many Gods with names and forms. We believe that we will go to heaven and hell, we believe in all the fairy tales like Santa Claus and a God with an elephant head. But most of the Hindus are in this unfortunate situation. There are a few Hindus who still believe in the original Upanishads and the Vedas which tell us we are not the body, we are not the mind, we are the Divine Soul, and to be liberated and united with God is our ultimate goal. This is how they live their life.

What is an ultimate goal?

What you want to do with your life.