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Q: The standards of good moral conduct or principles are known as what?
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What documents give structure to the army moral standards?

FM 1 "The Law of Land Warfare, Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Code of Conduct give structure to its moral standards."

What does moral conduct mean?

Moral conduct refers to behavior and actions that are consistent with ethical principles, values, and beliefs. It involves making choices that are considered right or good based on standards of right and wrong.

What character of being in agreement with the standards of right conduct is called?

A person who is in agreement with the standards of right conduct is commonly referred to as "virtuous" or "upright." They are known for having good moral character and behaving ethically in their actions and decisions.

Principles of conduct that govern the behavior of an individual are known as?

Ethics. Ethics are a set of principles that guide individuals on what is considered right and moral in their conduct and decision-making. It involves distinguishing between right and wrong behavior.

What is the synonym for ethics?

moral code, standards, principles, morals, conscience, moral values, morality

What is the moral thing is that which?

A moral state is when one is concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on those principles.

What does morally tolerable mean?

Morally tolerable pertains to actions or behavior that are considered acceptable or justifiable within the boundaries of ethical principles or moral standards. It suggests that the conduct in question does not violate widely held moral beliefs or values.

What is meant by returning to fundamental principles?

examining the foundation of moral and ethical conduct

Which of these is the best description of ethic?

a set of guiding moral principles or rules of conduct

Which of these is the best description of ethics?

a set of guiding moral principles or rules of conduct

Is ethics plural or singular?

The noun ethics is the plural form for ethic.Ethic in the singular form is a set of principles of conduct; a theory or system of moral values.Ethics as the study of the general nature of morals and moral philosophy, takes a singular verb.Ethics as rules or standards of conduct of members of a group or profession, takes a plural verb.

What is another word for moral values?

Depending on the context, 'moral values' could also refer to:- * morality * ethical values * principles * standards * values