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The religious group that many pilgrims belonged to were known as the Separatists, also referred to as the Pilgrims. They were dissenters from the Church of England and believed in separating from the established church to practice their own form of religious worship.

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Q: The religious group many pilgrims belonged to?
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What was the name of the religious group that many of the pilgrims belonged to?

The answer is puritan.

What religious group that many of the pilgrims belonged to?

these people were called the Puritans.

What did the pilgrims sometimes call themselves?

Many pilgrims called themselves Puritans since they belonged to the Puritan sect known as the Separatists.

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Why did the Pilgrims sail to the Netherlands?

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Another word for a religious traveler?

You may be referring to a "pilgrim," although that word often carries a connotation of a believer visiting a sacred site. Many people go on tours of religious places just because they are interested in history, but pilgrims go because it's part of their devotion to their faith.