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Christianity. Various denominations within the Kingdom will argue about what it takes, exactly-word for word to be saved. James argues " What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can faith save him?" The answer is no. " As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." When James says a person is not justified by faith alone, he means that a person is not justified by mental assent alone. As such, he says, " Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder."

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Q: The religion that believes in the idea of justification by faith is?
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What was the catholic doctrine on justification by faith defined by the council of Trent and how did it differ from the views of Luther and Calvin?

The Council of Trent affirmed that faith and good works are both necessary for salvation. This differed from the views of Luther and Calvin, who believed in justification by faith alone, without the need for good works. Luther and Calvin emphasized faith as the sole means of salvation, rejecting the idea that good works played a role in justification.

Who created the idea of justification by faith?

Technically, Abraham started it. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac would be considered the first example of this doctrine. Paul expounds on it very much in the Book of Romans. Since Abraham was in Israel at the time, it was first started in Israel.

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what idea was the major justification for U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War era?

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The Council of Trent affirmed traditional Catholic teachings on salvation. It stressed the importance of both faith and good works for salvation, rejected the idea of salvation by faith alone, and emphasized the sacraments as channels of God's grace. It condemned the beliefs of Protestant reformers on justification by faith alone.

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Yes, there are several. Deism is a Western religion, which attitude is that there is a God, but did not create the universe and does not govern it. Jainism is an Eastern religion that believes in many gods, but rejects the idea of creationism.

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I have a general impression that this might be the Baha'i Faith (founded 1863), or its forerunner, the Babi Faith (founded 1844). However, it's quite possible that these are not the oldest ones.

Can faith can move mountains?

Yes, if you have the right faith. It isn't the faith that does it it is the hard work that faith in a idea that somtimes can.