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St. Michael is an archangel and not a guardian angel.

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Q: The meaning of St. Michael the Guardian Angel?
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Is Nathanial a guardian angel?

The only Guardian Angels who have names, that we know of, are in the Bible: St. Raphael - the book of Tobit. St. Gabriel - the Gospel of Luke St. Michael - the Apocalypse (Revelation)

Who has a famous guardian angel?

The two most famous Guardian Angels in the world are St. Raphael and St. Gabriel, the first was the Guardian Angel of Tobias in the book of Tobit in the Old Testament, and the second was the Guardian Angel of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the first chapter of Luke.

Where is Saint Michael?

St. Michael is an angel in Heaven, he is a saint.

Who is Guardian angel St. Isaiah?

he is an angel(guardian)wo always proctects from sin,who guards and guide me always.i feel his personally protecting me but i can not find the answer i am ortodox cristian

Who is the patron saint of protection from evil?

All saints can offer protection from harm but why not turn the job over to your guardian angel?St. Michael the Archangel

How can you find out if st Isaiah is your guardian angel?

Humans and angels are two seperate species.

How did Saint Michael die?

St. Michael is an angel. He hasn't died, and won't.

In what country did St. Michael die?

If you are referring to St. Michael the Archangel, he has not died and will never die. He is an angel and immortal.

St Michael date of canonization?

St. Michael is an archangel. He was not canonized, he was created by God as an angel, a pure spirit, and saint.

Was Saint Michael married?

No, St. Michael is an angel. He is not human so he would not marry.

Is there an angel that can defeat Satan?

Yes. St. Michael the archangel.

What was St. Michael's life like?

St. Michael the Archangel never had a human life. He has always been an angel, a pure spirit.