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Catholic AnswerThe Cistercians are Benedictine monks who follow the Rule more closely than the Order of St. Benedict. They are cenobites, that is they live in community as laid down by St. Benedict. Carthusians are eremites (hermits) although their hermitages are usually joined into a Chapterhouse which has a common Chapel for the night Offices and the Conventual Mass, the rest of their life including the rest of their Office is lived and prayed in their hermitage. The lay brothers deliver their one meal a day.
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Q: The lifestyles of the Carthusians with those of the Cistercians?
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Compare and contrast the lifestyles of the Carthusians with those of the Cistercians?

Both the Carthusians and the Cistercians are monastic orders, but they have different approaches to community living. The Carthusians are known for their extreme solitude and silence, with each monk living in their own individual cell, coming together only for certain prayers and meals. Conversely, the Cistercians live in a more communal setting, working together in agriculture and manual labor, and they place a greater emphasis on hospitality and interaction with the outside world.

When did the cistercian order come to an end?

It has not come to an end and there are still Cistercian monks today. In England all the monasteries occupied by Benedictines, Cistercians, Cluniacs, Carthusians and others were closed in the period 1538 to 1540 and all monks were either pensioned off or found alternative employment. Naturally, the Order continued to flourish in the rest of Europe. In more recent times the Cistercians (and other Orders of monks and nuns) have returned to the UK to establish themselves again; a thriving community of Cistercians currently exists at Caldey Abbey in Wales, following a regime based closely on that followed by their medieval colleagues. See link below for details of the Caldey Abbey Cistercians:

When was Old Carthusians F.C. created?

Old Carthusians F.C. was created in 1876.

What has the author E Margaret Thompson written?

E. Margaret Thompson has written: 'The Carthusian Order in England' -- subject(s): Carthusians 'A history of the Somerset Carthusians' -- subject(s): Carthusians, Church history

Changes in lifestyles in the United states occurred than those in Europe?

Changes in lifestyles in the US occurred more quickly than those in Europe.

Who was the founder of the Cistercians?

Robert of Molesme.

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How did changes in lifestyles in the United states occurred over those in Europe?

more quickly

What has the author Martha Gay Newman written?

Martha Gay Newman has written: 'The boundaries of charity : the Cistercians in twelfth-century society' -- subject(s): Cistercians, History

How is community of monks supported?

Roman Catholic AnswerThat depends on the community. Monasteries, for the most part, contain monks who have taken a vow of stability. Benedictines, Cistercians, Camaldolese, Carthusians all remain in their monastery. Some congregations of Benedictines teach schools: high schools, preparatory schools, colleges; others celebrate the entire Office as it was before Vatican II - all eight Offices each day, and 150 psalms each week. The Carthusians are an order of hermits, they have no outside work at all, growing their own food, and meeting all their own needs. Mostly completely cloistered communities run a farm and sell produce, I know of one community that sells coffins.

How do active and sedentary lifestyles compare?

People who live active lifestyles live longer and do not experience as many health problems as those who are sedentary. Sedentary people experience higher rates of heart disease and cancer.

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