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A muezzin

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Q: The chanter who calls people to prayer in Islam is called?
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What are the principles of Islam called?

The Five Pillars of Islam: Shahadah, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj.

What is the Islam late afternoon prayer?

its called maghrib . in arabic المغرب

A Muslim crier that summoned people to prayer each morning at dawn?

the crier is called bilal....Source:

What is the Islam salat mat called?

It's often called a "sajadah" which means "a place for prostration in prayer"

The name of Prayerleader of the mosque?

In Islam, any person who leads the prayer (regardless of whether the prayer is held at a mosque or not) is called an imam.

Does Islam have a temple?

Yes. The buildings meant for prayer by the Muslims are called Mosques, Masjid.

Bilal ibn rabah the muhaezim of Islam?

Yes, He (may Allah be pleased with him) is called the Muazzen " the one who calls for prayer " of Islam.

What is a Islam gathering called?

The Muslims gather in a moque five times a day to offer prayer. There is no special name for the gathering in Islam.

How do Islam followers prayer?

Salat is the prayer in Islam. It is done by a certain amount of movements.

What are The people who practice Islam are called?

People who follow the religion of Islam are called MUSLIMS.

Is emman an Islamic who calls Islam to prayer?

The one who leads the prayer is called Al-Imam. The one who calls to prayer is Al- Moadden. Eman is a different word, means faith.