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The new name for the church was the Protestant Episcopal Church.

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Q: The New name for the Anglican Church after it was disestablished and deAnglicized in Virginia?
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New name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and de-anglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

The Episcopal Church

LEgislation passed by an alliance of Jefferson and the Baptists that disestablished the Anglican church?

Virginia statute for religious freedom.

What was the new name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and unanglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

It became the Episcopal Church in the United States of America after the Revolutionary War.

What happened to the Anglican church after the revolutionary war?

it was disestablished

What is the new name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and de-anglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

Was it the Continuing Church? Which consists of the United Episcopal Church, The Diocese of Christ the King and the Anglican Catholic Church, all of which separated from the C.Of E, and held to the catholic faith of the First thousand years.

Was the Anglican Church disestablished before the Revolutionary War was over?

It depends on what colony you are interested in. There was no real central government until after the Revolutionary War was over. The Bill of Rights was the first true national disestablishment of the Anglican Church (and all churches for that matter) as it provided for religious freedom. States reacted to the Anglican Church's influence differently before the Revolutionary War.

What was the church body most linked with Tory sentiment except in Virginia?

Anglican Church.

The church body most closely linked with Tory sentiment except in Virginia?

Anglican Church

What does antidisestablishmentarianisms mean?

It is the doctrine or political position that opposes the withdrawal of state recognition of an established church. Specifically, antidisestablishmentarianism was opposition to the withdrawal of support for the Anglican Church by the English government in the 19th century.Antidisestablishmentarianism was specifically used to mean opposition to the "disestablishing" of the connections between England and the Anglican Church, the removal of the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales.The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920, subsequently becoming the Church in Wales.The question of disestablishment of the Church of England is still current, often tied with the position of the English monarch as "Supreme Governor" of the Church (see Act of Settlement 1701). Those who wish to continue the establishment of the Church of England are referred to as Antidisestablishmentarians, and are sometimes characterized as being against the separation of church and state.

What was practiced in colonial Virginia?

Colonial Virginia was under the control of England and the early Virginian colonists, by law, had to pay taxes to support the Anglican Church (Church of England.) Most of the early colonists in Virginia were part of the Anglican Church, however there were some other Protestant denominations that were present.

Did the movement toward the separation of church and state greatly accelerated by the disestablishment of the Anglican church in Virginia?


What laid the basis for the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the separation of church and state?

the disestablishment of the Anglican church