Ren is a Confucian virtue that denotes the good feeling that a virtuous person feels when being altruistic.
Jitang Dong has written: 'Lun yu lun ren xin shu' -- subject(s): Confucian Philosophy, Philosophy, Confucian, Ren
Fengyu Zhao has written: 'Ren xue tan wei' -- subject(s): Confucian Philosophy, Da xue, Philosophy, Confucian, Ren
Ren and Li are two key principles in Confucian philosophy. Ren refers to the concept of benevolence, kindness, and humanity towards others, while Li encompasses rituals, propriety, and etiquette that govern social interactions. Together, Ren and Li form the foundation for maintaining harmony and order in society according to Confucian values.
In one traditional Confucian view, ren has two aspects: loyalty and reciprocity. Loyalty is considered a commitment to the Way, while reciprocity means "not inflicting on others that which you do not want yourself."
The ideals were that they were both were made from China and the Confucian ideals were made by a Chinese person, as the Song dynasty development of civil service was also. Hope this helped your essay :)
The ideals were that they were both were made from China and the Confucian ideals were made by a Chinese person, as the Song dynasty development of civil service was also. Hope this helped your essay :)
Ren means water lily. It can be the noun, or at times, it can be a name for girls.
Ren. Ren is the highest virtue or ideal in Confucianism. This virtue is the culmination of all virtues and includes moral excellence, love, and all virtues at their highest possible attainment.
Ren means louts or water Lilly
"Ren" (δΊΊ) means person or human in Chinese. It is a common character used in everyday language and also in phrases such as "ren sheng" (δΊΊη), which means life.
The root "ren" in the word renal is derived from the Latin word "renes," which means kidneys. Therefore, "renal" pertains to or relates to the kidneys in medical terminology.