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The Abbassid Caliphate capital was moved to BAGHDAD, IRAQ, because Syria had an Umayyad power-base and Baghdad was much closer to Persia, which was the Abbassid power-base.

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Q: The Abbasid's moved the capital from Damascus to?
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Why did abbasids move their capital?

The Abbasids moved their capital to Baghdad because they wanted to move it closer to Damascus during the time when Umayyad's capital was Damascus. In which means that the Abbasid empire wants to overthrow the Umayyad empire.

What changes did the abbasids make during their rule?

They moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad for the benefits of better control of trade routes and information.

What is the capital of abbasids?

Baghdad (currently is the capital of Iraq)

Did the Umayyads rule from the capital city of Baghdad?

no the umayyads ruled damascus as there capital the abbasids took Baghdad as there capital...

Why did the abbasids move their capital to Baghdad?

The Abbassids moved their capital to Baghdad because their base of support was among the Persians and Mesopotamian Arabs (as opposed to Damascus, which was the base of support for their Umayyad rivals).

Under the Abbasids the capital of the Muslim empire was moved where?


When the Arab capital was moved to Damascus the dynasty was founded?

When the Arab capital was moved Damascus the dynasty was founded?

The Umayyad Dynasty was founded when the Arab capital was moved.

After the last of the caliphs were killed the Arab capital was moved to?


When the Arab capital was moved to Damascus the what dynasty was founded.?

The answer you are looking for the UMAYYAD DYNASTY, but the question is operating backwards. The Umayyad dynasty was founded and the capital subsequently moved to Damascus, not the other way around.

The capital of the Arab empire?

At first it was Baghdad, but later I believe the capital was moved to Damascus.

When the Arab capital was moved to damascus what dynasty was founded?

The answer you are looking for the UMAYYAD DYNASTY, but the question is operating backwards. The Umayyad dynasty was founded and the capital subsequently moved to Damascus, not the other way around.