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If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, God's own Son, Satan likes you now. This is because you do his bidding and pay no attention to what God has told you in His book, The Bible.

God has given you a Savior so that you can come back to God and be a friend to God as Adam and Eve were before they fell into sin.

Satan wants you to have a good time on this earth, if you can call lying, cheating, adultery, murder, fornication, being all around mean to people, stealing, cursing, getting drunk, etc. In short SINNING against God.

Satan is as afraid of hell as you are, because he is going to suffer for an eternity along with his brother angels and all the people who do not believe in God or His Son.

Yes following after Satan's ways will insure that you suffer with him in hell.

Catholic AnswerHeaven is, by definition, eternal union with God, to enjoy the Beatific Vision forever. As God is Love, and God cannot change, so heaven is to be bathed in love beyond our imaging. Hell is nothing else but a rejection of God and all that belongs to Him. Thus hell is a complete rejection of love and anything that comes from love. Anyone in hell has rejected God and others, they are completely alone and isolated in their misery and pain. Satan is a creature just like you or me, and he has condemned himself to suffer in hell for all eternity. In other words, Satan is completely devoid of love, liking, or friendship - he is completely wound up in hate and despair and everlasting pain. He will like you in hell only insofar as misery loves company and he has denied another person their eternal reward.
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Q: Should not Satan like us if you go to hell because you did as he did?
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Satan has nothing to do with the control of hell. He is going to suffer there just like the rest of the unbelievers. A translator will probably not be needed in hell as the suffering will be so intense that no one will be talking, but rather moaning and screaming.

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My theory is that Satan was created by God in order to create the world, and to create evolution, which would eventually give rise to humans, some of whom would be the servants of God. There is no answer to be known for your question. It is a matter of belief.

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Satan (Lucifer) is not the ruler of hell, but if you associate with him or do not accept Jesus Christ as your Savior you will spend an eternity in hell with him. Satan will suffer in hell like other unbelieving persons. He is in no way the leader, but the cause of many who will go there. There was no hell that we are aware of before the one God created. You see hell was originally created for the angels that left their first estate and sinned grievously before the Great Flood. (see Matthew 25:41; II Peter2:4 ; Jude 6-7). But man has become so corrupt since the fall that now he is included in sharing hell with Satan and his angels.

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Satanists Beliefs: No. Satanists do not believe in hell or any form of an afterlife. Christian Opinion: Yes, unless they repent. Jesus will forgive anyone and wants to forgive everyone if only you will accept his gift of eternal life.

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If your heart tells you to love Satan then you should love Satan. It has been proven in the bible that god has killed millions of people (not including the flood or the plagues), and many many more animals. When have you ever heard of Satan killing an animal or person?.. never. besides for the christian teachings, just to scare you into behaving so you can be controlled, there is actually no proof that Satan is the bad guy here. He started a revolution against god, and was cast down to hell. does anybody question why? It was because he didn't like the way god had complete disregard for human and animal life. So if you love Satan, then that means Hes calling for you to be free.

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Repent or go to hell and burn forever. Enjoy your flannel shirt and doc marten boots, spawn of satan.