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No, to receive communion in a Lutheran church would constitute an acceptance of the Lutheran theology and one can not be both Lutheran and Catholic.


Actually, Lutheran churches offer an "open table" to all believers in Jesus Christ. It does not constitute an acceptance of the denomination, rather a belief in Christianity. I do not believe that this is a hard and fast rule any longer for Catholics, but every man has to go with his conscience.

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Q: Should a Catholic take Communion at a Lutheran Mass?
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How is a Lutheran service like a catholic mass?

A Lutheran service is like a Catholic mass because they both take communion and have the option to drink from the mass. Also, they receive sacraments, in other words.

Can Catholic receive communion outside Catholic church example at lutheran church?

Ordinarily, a Catholic should only receive Holy Communion in a Roman Catholic Mass. Most other churches are not in communion with the Pope and disagree on certain doctrines, and so have removed themselves and established themselves as a separate church. Catholics believe that because of this, their communion is not the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. To participate in their communion would mean that one would be participating in their service, which would be to deny the Catholic Faith's teachings on the Eucharist, etc. Therefore, a Catholic usually cannot receive communion in these churches. There are possibly some exceptions - see your local Catholic priest to learn about it.

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Yes, a non-Catholic may attend a Catholic Mass but may not receive communion.

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Nobody can take Holy Communion in a Catholic Church, you may only receive Holy Communion from the priest, and then only if you have been baptized in the Catholic Church and previously made your first Confession and First Holy Communion. Bottom line? An Anglican may not take communion in a Catholic Church.

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Catholic mass is a specific form of Christian worship that follows the liturgical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Christian Mass is a broader term that refers to any worship service conducted in the Christian faith, which includes various denominations such as Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic.

Can catholics get married with out the Holy Eucharist in a catholic church?

No, you can still have the Mass if the non-Catholic agrees to your oath of raising children Catholic and all the other requirements of the Carholic marriage. However, the non-Catholic cannot receive Holy Communion.

Should you take a communion from a lying pastor?

A priest's ability to consecrate and celebrate the Eucharist is provided to him in his priestly Faculties. This faculty is not impaired or removed simply because the priest is a sinner. In fact it would be a miracle if there were a Catholic Priest anywhere who was not a sinner. So there is nothing wrong, different, or missing in a communion service that is led by a priest who has sinned. You should be able to take communion from this priest in full confidence that it is properly consecrated. Should you take communion? Is a somewhat personal decision. The Catholic Church recommends that as long as the priest still has his faculty to celebrate mass, that you should feel comfortable participating in the mass and receiving communion.

How can a non Catholic receive communion at a Catholic mass?

From non-Catholic may not receive Communion. Actually, not all Catholics may receive Communion. Only those who are in a state of grace can receive the Eucharist. To receive Communion in the Catholic Church is a sign of complete acceptance of Catholic teaching. It is also a sign of complete unity among believers. Unfortunately, Catholic and non-Catholic Christians still do not share such unity. At present, the mutual reception of Communion by Catholics and non-Catholics would not be an honest sign.

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No, they do not drink during Mass except for a small amount of communion wine.

Can I receive Communion at my Nana's funeral mass if I am a baptized but not confirmed Catholic and also an ardent Christian?

Roman Catholic AnswerFirst, let me extend my condolences on the death of your Nana, I am so sorry. If you are a baptised Catholic, who has made his first Holy Communion, and have gone to confession, then, of course, you may receive Holy Communion. If you are not a baptised Catholic or have not made your first Holy Communion, then you make what we call a "spiritual Communion" which is what a Catholic would do if they have not been to Confession, asking Jesus to come into your heart.

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At a wedding mass at communion, bread and wine