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Secular literature includes science, history, philosophy, fiction and just about everything except religion. Studying a range of secular literature ensures a breadth and depth of general knowledge, but also helps you will to understand literary allusions, including those found in The Bible. It teaches the intellectual openness you will need to accept the perspective of the authors, and opens your mind to another world. It also presents alternate, sometimes even radical perspectives, so that the reader develops a sophisticated point of view.

Whether a Christian should study secular literature that examines religion and religious beliefs depends on the person. Someone whose faith is weak but yet feels the need to have faith, could put that faith at risk by studying this kind of literature and might be advised not to do so. On the other hand, a Christian who feels secure in his or her faith should be capable of studying this kind of literature, understanding the arguments presented and yet remain a Christian. A Christian with strong personal beliefs but who is willing to learn the truth about religion, whatever that truth may be, would of course wish to study literature that examines religion and religious beliefs. It depends on how certain you feel about your religious beliefs.

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