The philosophy is the guiding star of each person, persons who own businesses have
huge bribes or taxes or fees for professionals who prey on businesses, and extorting
and stealing the profits, and family members who become users of the profits and
demand more money when the business may have less. The philosophy of business
can become very money oriented and harm the public, or steal; extort; defraud; poison;
oppress and such, so less and less customers arrive at the business because of an
immoral philosophy of the business. Religion is more than a simple philosophy, Religion
is defined by government professionals as: Having a long established creed or scripture
or long established prophet or leader, a recognizable idea or creed that all the members know and can repeat or relate to, and many, many other ideas that generally insure the benefit of both the members and benefit the community they live in. Religion was the only business in all early tribes, as civilization progressed and communicated and enlarged the individuals became more important and protected. Today religion is seen as another tool for the business to use rather than for the religion to use of them. Today religions cater to the business and employer, and the business or employer agrees to favor the members of the religion who are sent to work for free or for pay. The government gives the religion some power back that has been lost by individual human rights by letting the religion give the business a tax reduction for "good works". Some businesses become bad and try to use the church or religions members as gangsters to protect the business, reduce competition, to harm.
From the lips of an Evangelical, Non-Denominational Protestant:
I do believe strongly that it should. I believe that as Christians, we represent Christ to this world. This should be a chance to shine in a sector so notorized for it's own poor morals (Enron, AIG, etc...). When asked by an academic what commandments he thought were most important, Jesus answered, "The most important one is this, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is this, love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandments than these." If we as Christians follow this advice, our business will be pleasing to the Lord and will be just in the eyes of the world.
From an unknown contributor:
no it shouldn't affect the way someone does business
Christianity dwells in heart, not in the dresses, so it should not affect Christianity.
it affect the actions of Christianity of jesus crise
Physical height should not affect his business dealings. Morals, ethics, good business acumen...these are the things that can affect business decisions and bring more potential for success. If a businessman is short, he should not allow his height (or insecurity of it) stand in his way of making the best of his business dealings.
No, dyslexia should not affect someone that is or will try to learn to play the piano.
You should consider several factors first. Make sure you find out why the business is selling out. This is very imporant and may affect you once you purchase this business.
it doesn't
According to bankrate, if someone submits a business credit card application it affects their personal credit score. Since it's still their own business card, it's considered their personal item.
how environmental factors affect in business
how does business and accounting affect in the society
how does religion affect business in England