Yes they should. They are people too and we cant treat them diffrently just because of a story told once upon a time. Opposite reaction: No, they don't. They have given vows for celibacy and they have chosen to live their lives as a holy and living sacrafice for the Lord. There is a very good article on this issue in It describes why mustn't Catholic Nuns and Priest be allowed to get married. Please follow the link below.
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They can remain Catholic but they cannot remain priests or nuns. They must relinquish their vows in order to marry.
Roman Catholic Answer.Before a priest is ordained they are in the seminary for six to eight years, a sister or nun's trial period may last nearly as long. All of that time they know that they have to make a very serious VOW to remain celibate for the rest of the lives, it is something that should be taken very seriously and it is not as if they do not have a long time to think it over. It is nearly impossible anymore to be relieved of these vows, it is possible, but not very likely. They must make this vow before they are ordained or make their final vows in religion.
Priests should not be allowed to be married. They are to be Christ's earthly representatives, to live as He did, and that cannot be done with a wife in tow.
Roman Catholic AnswerAll priests should be caring priests.
priests should not be allowed to marry lol trevor rige taylor
Yes, the issue of priestly celibacy is a point of contention between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, married men can become priests, while the Roman Catholic Church requires celibacy for priests. This difference has been a historical source of tension between the two churches.
Orthodox priests could marry, Catholic priests could not.
1. They don't. If a married clergy member of another religion wishes to be a part of the Catholic clergy they may become deacons, not priests. Deacons are defined as the servants of the servants of God (Priests). You can be married when becoming a Deacon, however if you are not married before becoming a Deacon you cannot get married after the fact. Many people may confuse the two, but these jobs are very different. ---- 2. The above answer is incorrect. The Catholic Church has (and does) by special permission allow certain Anglican and Orthodox married priests who convert to Catholicism to serve as Catholic Priests.
It can be seen from two aspects - Political and Religious:Political - the bishop of Rome as he was called then did not want the priests family inheriting his wealth so by letting priests not get married this was solved.Religious - that the priest is married to the Church, and should be at her disposal at all times.However, eastern rite catholic churches who are schismatics form the orthodox church and keep the traditions and beliefs of the orthodox church but accept the primacy of the pope over the orthodox church can get married.Clergy members of other churches that were already married and convert to Catholicism can still stay married.This however is rejected by the orthodox church putting it in simplistic terms is that because it can led to other sins such as homosexuality, masturbation, adultery, etc...Another Answer:The tradition of priestly celibacy is only mandatory in the Roman (Latin) Rite of the Catholic Church. There are numerous other rites within Catholicism that are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome and are thus Catholic. Some of these other rites allow married men to enter the priesthood. After their ordination however they are not allowed to marry.For a list of the rites of the Catholic Church see the link below.In Catholicism, it has to do with tradition. In the Latin Rite, the Church has a tradition of not allowing married men into the priesthood. There are certain exceptions to the tradition, if a married and ordained Anglican or Lutheran priest wants to minister in the Catholic Church, then he will be allowed to remain married and be ordained a Catholic Priest.It is the tradition of the other "Eastern" rites to allow married men into the priesthood. Though once a person is a priest they cannot marry, in any rite, unless they leave the priesthood. Though it is very uncommon in the United States, especially because many believe that Catholic priests can't be married at all.Answer In the early days of the Catholic Church, the leaders ended the practice of priests marrying in order to stop the property, money and land of the church from being "inherited" away from the church. That is, from priests leaving money and land to wives and children when they died. If a priest was never married, then he had no family to leave anything to, therefore all the wealth accumulated by the church would stay in the Church.Answer Catholic priests aren't allowed to be married because they are to be celibate- (abstain from sex)Answer They are married to God!In the Orthodox faith, priests can be married BEFORE they are ordained, but not afterward. Bishops must remain celibate.Catholic Answer Priests have not been allowed to marry for the entire history of the Church. In certain eras of the Church's history there has been some abuse of this and that is why the regulations named above were later put into effect. But there is ample evidence from the very first centuries that priests were never allowed to marry in the Latin Rite. In the Latin Rite, to be ordained to the diaconate and priesthood, men must take a vow of celibacy, which is a solemn promise to God that they will not attempt marriage. Priests are "another Christ" and thus are trying to live the life that He did as perfectly as possible. One of the things that they give up "for the kingdom" is a normal married life. This is a discipline of the Church, not a doctrine, and it is freely entered into by any man that is seeking ordination in the Church. In some rare instances, a man may already married when he is ordained, or in the eastern Rites, he is allowed to be married before he is ordained. However, all priests take a vow of celibacy upon ordination and if he is already married, he may not remarry if his wife dies.Answer:Although Catholic priests of the Eastern Rites may be married before they are ordained, if they are unmarried at ordination they may not marry afterwards; this is the Eastern tradition which is also held by the Orthodox. Married Latin (Roman) Catholic men cannot become priests, as the Latin branch of the Catholic Church requires celibacy as a sign of total dedication to Christ and His people. However, by way of exception, if a married Protestant or Anglican clergyman joins a (Roman) Catholic he can become a Catholic priest while still being married; however, when his wife dies he may not remarry. His wife must give approval for her husband to become a Catholic priest.
priests should be allowed to marry.
priests should be allowed to marry.
As far as I know the majority of priests within the Catholic Church have always been able to marry. No one forced them to do so, but to about the 13th C, there were always groups opposed to married clergy!Chief amongst them were the supporters of the papacy and they appeared to win their way slowly after about the time of Henry III. But it was never a catholic principle deeply held either way! Celibacy was imposed in the Anglican Church for about 300 yrs!Collier. Ecclesiastical History! Vol.2.Well, as far as you know, YOU DONT KNOW, sorry, how about you read the Catecism of the Church before you attempt to answer this?Anglican Catholic Answer!The question was about Anglican Priests and marriage. Celibacy was imposed only for about 300 yrs, till Henry's time, both he and Queen Elizabeth agreed with a celibate clergy!Well over half the Clergy of the Church, the Orthodox Clergy for instance, do not hold to celibacy except for bishops.By the 'Catechism of the Church,' I presume you are referring to the Roman Chatechism, which I have read in part. But what of it? It is not the Catechism of the whole Church and it has its fair share of errors in other subjects so why should we follow it in this matter? Besides which, the Holy Roman Church is no more than a segment of the Catholic Church and doesn't cover Traditional Catholics!
The conclusion that worship of saints and the Virgin Mary is encouraged was NOT made at the Council of Trent.
Priests are entitled to uphold their beliefs and not to convert their attentions to things Catholicism deems less than God. Thus, the reason for not marrying.-Amsterdam612AnswerThere is absolutely no basis in scripture why priests should not marry. in fact, even St Peter was married as were many popes and priests before the rule came in in recent times. The rule came in to the Catholic Church to ensure that priests fulfilled their roles without distraction. However, some have blamed enforced celibacy on the Catholic priesthood as part of the reason for problems over sexual abuse within the Church that has been covered up in recent years.The claim that celibacy ensures that priests fulfill their duties better does not hold water. For one thing many other denominations allow their priests to marry (eg Anglicanism) and they fulfill their priestly role with exactly the same integrity as celibate Catholics.There are now, however, Catholic priests who are married. In the Church of England there are a small number of priests who objected to women clergy and they went over to Rome and became Catholic priests after a suitable time of instruction. Many of these are married with families. This development in the UK has alienated many Catholic clergy - priests who have been loyal for years and who gave up a family life for the priesthood, and married deacons who have been prevented from becoming priests because they had a wife. And yet these newbies had the best of both worlds. So naturally there is much ill feeling towards this man-made rule of celibacy. In fact, in a recent poll in the UK, there was a large majority of Catholics who were now in favour of a married priesthood - and even a smaller majority in favour of exploring women's ministry as more and more Catholics experience female Anglican priests and realise what a wonderful ministry they provide.