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I think they had scripture early on during the time the emperor was both religious and political leader than a shogun. but the shoguns just incorporated Buddhism for happy occasion like weddings, births, summer holyday, and Shinto was just solemn to shrines for other things. the general rules about Shinto is belief in a certain pantheon and that the emperors' line in the direct bloodline of the goddess Amaterasu. Since the emperor would be the most accessable "god" on hand, he had ultimate control. and some particular holysites, shrines, and like great epic battles.

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13y ago
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11y ago

There isn't one. Most shinto traditions are passed down by word of mouth. There are however some written texts about shinto traditions and its mythology, though they aren't religious texts but historical and folklore books.

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16y ago

No. Unlike most major religions, Shinto does not have a sacred text or even a formal structure.

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12y ago

In the Shinto religion, there are no sacred scriptures. It is based off of tradition and morals.

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14y ago

Shintoism has no written texts. Followers just worship kami, which are like gods

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Q: What is the holy book for Shinto?
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What is the shintoism holy books?

The Shinto holy book is the O'dno Jing (Book of Salvation)

What is the holy book of Shinto called?

the nihongi and the kojiki

What is the Shinto holy writing?

There is none.

What is the holy cites of Shinto?

There are no "holy cities" in Shinto. Each Shrine is considered to be the home of a God/dess. There are 1000's of Shrines in Japan.

Holy days of Shinto?

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What is The Shinto Holy day?

its January 3 its like Christmas its called hajik

What major holidays does Shintoism have?

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What is the name of Japan's holy book?

Japan does not have a specific holy book like the Bible or Quran. Shintoism and Buddhism are the two major religions in Japan, with various texts and teachings that are considered important.

What are the holy Shinto books?

I've been studying this for a little while now, and as far as I know, and I'm probably wrong, but I don't think there is one.There is not a core text, but there are four essential history books to the Shinto religion.The two most sacred Shinto books are the 'KOJIKI' and the 'NIHONKI'.The Lotus Sutrathe sacred texts are the kojiki and the nihongiThere isn't one, Shintoism is the worship of nature and nature forces ; Ancestral Worship; Kami = Nature GodsKojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and Nihon shoki (Chronicles of Japan), books written in the 8th century CE tell the stories of the origin of the world and important events. These books are considered the "texts" of Shinto The Shinto holy book is the O'dno Jing (Book of Salvation)

What is the sacred book for Japanese?

The holy books of Shinto are the Kojiki and the Nihon-gi. These books are compilations of ancient myths and traditional teachings that had previously been passed down orally.

What is the name of the island holy book?

Living on an island gives no indication of a person's religion.See this list of islands:Taiwan's people practice Chinese Folk Religions and worship at shrines. There are typically no books involved.Honshu is a place where Shinto is practiced at Shinto temples. There are typically no books involvedJava has predominantly Muslim worship at mosques. There they read the Qur'an.Ireland has predominantly Christian worship. There they read the Bible.Madagascar has predominantly animist worship at local ancestral places. There is no holy book read.Haiti has a large percentage of Voodoo worshipers. They have important oral traditions but no specific holy book.

What is the holy book of shikisum?

There is no specific holy book or scripture in Shikism. Shikism is a relatively new belief system that combines elements of different spiritual traditions, including Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism, and indigenous Japanese beliefs. Its teachings are primarily passed down through oral traditions and personal experiences.