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Laity are members who do not hold the Priesthood but may play an important role in the running of their local church. The responsibility of Primary usually falls to the women, as does the Young Women. Worthy males are responsible for the Young men.

As a Mormon, a local Ward of the church will require 120 of its members to see that all of the needs of the Ward are met. The ages range from eight year of age onwards. To give an example A Primary class of eight year old's will have a Teacher, as Class President and two counselors if required. This same organization runs through out the local Wards and Branches from the Bishopric or Branch Presidency. Of course this will depend on the number of members in each Ward or Branch. So you can see Laity represent an important part in the running of the local church. The Vicar, Bishop or whoever the leader is cannot do it all by themselves.

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15y ago
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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe "laity" refer to all the people in the Church who are not ordained. They are the Church! They make up the Church, they all follow their vocation in life, which could be religious (monks, nuns, brothers, sisters), married, or single.
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12y ago

my best guess would be the pope,bishop,and the deacon but it can also be the body of christ which means really not in to religion but i know that this is the best or closest answer to this question

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11y ago

The laity are people of the churh who have not been ordanied.

they also pass on the message of god.

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