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SaiQuiz -- For the Inquisitives!!!!

Participate in the SaiQuiz to quench your thirst for knowledge of Sri Sai Baba!!

Why have a SaiQuiz?

To remain in Sai awareness - "Think of Sai and Talk of Sai" - we take up various means, such as reading holy books (parayana), chanting Sai Baba's name (naamam), participating in satsang etc.

As time passes, however, there may be a tendency to lose the spirit with which we initially started the activity and for it to become rather mechanical. Doing parayana of Sri Sai Satcharita, for example, is an opportunity to journey deeply into the life of Sri Sai Baba, to spend time in remembrance of our beloved Sadguru, and therefore something we approach with great zeal. Sometimes, though, we lose our focus and read routinely, without taking in the meaning of the words on the page. Participation in the SaiQuiz helps us to read the Sai Satcharita (or any other holy books) with concentration and devotion. It also helps us understand and feel the essence of Baba's life and teachings; from this process we may learn new things and deepen our sense of connection to Baba.

SaiQuiz, with its roots in parayana, enables us to "Think of Sai" in a fun-filled way. Preparing for and participating in the SaiQuiz increases our enthusiasm to learn more about our benevolent Sri Sai Baba and makes us quizzical about his every aspect!

"Parayana is the thorough study of the glorious teachings of Mahatmas and the assimilation of the infinite inner meaning and spirit of the teaching." -- Sri Babuji

About SaiQuiz


SaiQuiz is currently available in English, Telugu and Hindi for your convenience.


SaiQuiz has a series of 15 multiple choice questions.


Participants should provide a valid e-mail address in order to take up the quiz.


If SaiQuiz is taken multiple times with same e-mail address, the answers provided in the last instance will ONLY be preserved and considered.


The answers for the current week's SaiQuiz will be available the following week! Viewers can check answers in Quiz Archive page!


All users with 100% right answers will be published as Winners the following week!! YOU could be one of them!


The quiz is updated every Thursday at 6AM IST.

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Q: Quiz on Sri Shirdi Sai Baba life history?
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How do you interpret the spirituality from the life of Shirdi Baba?

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