First and foremost Protagonist and antagonist refer to characters within literary works. Biblical texts are no literary works or ideas of men. Biblical texts are communication, instruction and documents of historical fact, provided by our Creator via his prophets and the Apostles of Christ. One should never consider the biblical texts as a literary work of men or a man, as man never conceived what is written in those texts.
That said, what literary people would consider Protagonist as those who are for our Father (our Creator) which would include:
Our Father
His only begotten Son - Jesus Christ
The Judges of Israel
The Prophets to the houses of Israel before and after the split (Judah and Samaria)
The Apostles of Christ
Key people of the blood line of ethhaadam (Adam) the 8th day man
Examples of key people: Adam (ethhaadam, Genesis 5), Enoch, Noah, Job, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel, Ruth, Boaz, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, Specific Kings of Judah and Israel, etc., as well as Key people used as examples (Lazarus and the rich man, The clay pots, the Woman at the well, etc.)
What Literary people would consider Antagonist (against our Father and against Christ)in Biblical Text
The main Antagonist in biblical text would be Satan who was created a perfect Cherub, and through his own self importance attempted to rise above our Father and deceived 1/3 of our Fathers children into worshiping Satan as if he were our Father (1st earth age, Revelation 12), Hence the reason man exists in the flesh (its a probationary period in which each individual person (except the elect) must choose). Satan is the only entity in all biblical text who is sentenced to death (of the soul), Ezekiel 28
Others would be the fallen angels of the first and second influx, defined in Genesis chapter 6, and defined in the book of Jude.
The sons of Cain -Kenites - Genesis 4:17, John chapter 8, 1 Chronicles 2:55, Genesis 15:19
The army of Satan when he comes as the false Christ as defined in the book of Revelation, chapter 9
The philosophia as defined by Paul in Colossians chapter 2, reference also Acts 17
The Nicolaitans Revelation 2:6 (this is most likely linked to the philosophia)
Pharisees andcertainof the scribes (Matthew 12,15,16 Luke,11,15 and John 8,9,11,12) (The Phaisees follow the Stoick philosophia doctrine)
Sadducees (follow theEpicureanphilosophia doctrine)
Homosexuals and others listed in - Romans chapter 1 start at vs 22
Scoffers - 2nd Peter chapter 3
AntiChrist's = 1 John 2
Herod - Who murdered all the children of Israel in Bethlehem, Matthew 2:16.
This is not a complete list but its a good start
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