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I'd suggest a book case.

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Q: Place to put books
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A place to put your books?

Some places for storing things:a drawera closeta boxa basementan attica garagea sheda storage facilitya storage containera warehouse

Which is correct - They put away the books or they put back the books?

Both "put away the books" and "put back the books" are correct, but they can have slightly different meanings. "Put away the books" implies that the books were stored or placed in a designated spot, while "put back the books" suggests that the books were returned to where they were originally found.

How do you make your school bag cleaner?

Empty out your bagClean the inside of bagThrow away things that you don't need(Paper, Worn out pens, rubbish)Organize things into piles (Books, Mini Books, Mini things, Pens and other)I'f you have a backpack, place the books at the very back of the bag. Then put your mini books in next. Then put your pens in a pencil case so that the pens wont be scattered everywhere and place in front of books. Then put the mini things in pockets or make up bags.

What should you put on your school books pictures etc?

you could get some pics off the internet and place them where you want and put clear covering over it

Put the books on the TALL shelf?

Stack the books on the shelf that is higher in height.

What does implemeant mean?

implement means to begin or to start or to put into place eg we decided to implement vehicle log books at work

Where is the best place to buy Christian books?

Christianbook is a great place to buy books. Amazon is another great place, basically anywhere that sells books.

Where can you put your books?

You can put your books on bookshelves, in bookcases, on desks, or on tables. You can also store books in baskets, crates, or on floating shelves.

What books are put in the reserve section of a library?

Books that are put in the reserve section may include:DictionariesThesauriEncyclopediasYearbooksAtlasesCataloguesDirectoriesNewspapersMagazinesJournalsAlmanacsBibliographiesBiographiesMaps

How many ways can you stack 77 books in a pile?

I would say 77 because if there are 77 books, you could put each different book in a different place 77 times.

How do you put connection in a sentence?

i can not see the Connection. Do you feel the Connection with this place?

Why have people gathered at this place?

people gathered at this place because this is the place that you can read lots of books and you can get knowledge by reading books on the library.