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I answer this as an observant Jew, and not a Christian.

Paul was trying to convert people in the Roman Empire. So, he could not hold the Romans responsible for the cruxifition of Jesus (which is historical fact).

So, the gospel writers and Paul transfered the responsibility for the crucifition from the Romans to the Jews.

Paul, who never knew Jesus, took his new religion to the non-Jews of the Roman Empire.

James, brother of Jesus, and Peter continued to practice Judaism in Jerusalem and disagreed with Paul and his changes to the mission of Jesus.

So, it is understandable that an ego maniac like Paul would respond negatively to any Jew who refused to accept his new religion.

Jesus was born, raised, and died a Jew.

Jesus did not found Christianity. Peter and the apostles did not establish Christianity.

Paul, who never knew Jesus, and disagreed with those who knew Jesus, founded Christianity.

To a Jew, Paul's claim that Jesus was God incarnate is blasphemy!

Moshe David ben Avraham

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Q: Paul reaction to the fate of Jews who reject Jesus?
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He used to be King Saul and when he was he would kill jews. However one day when he met Jesus on a road he was turned from his ways and became Saint Paul, a wonderful apostle.

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Technically speaking, there is no "Gospel of Paul" as there is a Gospel of Luke or a Gospel of John. I think what you are referencing is that Paul believed the that Gospel (the Good News about Jesus) was intended for non-Jews as well as Jews, and that God had called him to carry the Gospel to non-Jews. In addition, it is from Paul that we learn that we are made right with God through faith and not through works.

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They crucified him. They were told (by the Jews) that he was a leader of an anti-Roman rebellion. He was called "The King of Jews" - and in the Roman empire, kings were not allowed.

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Paul, or Saint Paul, or the "Apostle of the Gentiles", was a Jewish convert to the teachings of Jesus. Through his travels and writings, he was one of the main disseminaters of Christianity. He is the early church teacher who is credited with opening up the teachings of Jesus to non-Jews, thus making Jesus a Savior to all men instead of strictly a Jewish Messiah.

Are all Jews Christians?

Yes, although Jesus did preach that he had come to save all people and the ministry of St Paul initiated the spread of Christianity to non Jewish peoples in a major way. Peter was the first to bring the Gospel to the gentile Cornelius in Acts 10.Yes, Jesus was Jewish and his Apostles were definitely the first Christians and were also Jewish. Jesus sent the Apostle to preach only to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" and commanded them "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, ....." Mark 10:5-6.It was Paul of Tarsus, who never walked with Jesus that broke his commandment and preached it to the Gentiles that resulted in present day Christianity.

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To call Jesus a Christian or a Catholic is anachronistic. Christians are followers of Jesus, and Catholics are a kind of Christian, but those things did not exist in the time of Jesus. All of Jesus's disciples, if you asked them, would certainly define themselves as Jews and would have defined Jesus as a Jew. Before Paul's program of outreach to non-Jews, the entire early church was seen by themselves and by other Jews as Jewish. Only when Bar Kochba, another claimant to the title of Messiah, led a revolt against Rome in the year 132 did Jewish Christians and Jews complete their divorce.