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According to Matthew

1. To the two Marys (28, 9).

2. To the eleven in Galilee (17).

According to Mark,

1. To Mary Magdalene (16, 9).

2. To two of his disciples (l2).

3. To the eleven at meat (14).

The appearances of Jesus mentioned in Mark are all in the apocryphal supplement*. The Gospel of Mark proper does not record a single appearance of Jesus.

According to Luke,

1. To Cleopas and his companion (24, 13-31).

2. To Simon (Peter) (34).

3. To the eleven and others (36).

According to John,

1. To Mary Magdalene (20, 14-18).

2. To ten disciples (19-24).

3. To the eleven (26-29).

4. To Peter, John and others (21).

According to Paul,

1. "He was seen of Cephas."

2. "Then of the twelve."

3. "After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once."

4. "After that he was seen of James."

5. "Then of all the apostles."

6. "And last of all he was seen of me also."

According to 1 Corinthians 15:5-8, Paul indicated that over 500 believers together at once saw Christ alive, of whom most were still living at the time of writing, therefore their testimony could be verified. Besides this, Paul had indicated that Peter and the twelve (included Matthias, who replaced Judas Iscariot) had seen Him, then repeats that all the Apostles had seen Him.

For 40 days, Christ had been seen, having eaten with the believers and having had contact physically with them, notably with Thomas, who doubted the reality of the resurrected Christ, until he met Him and touched Him.

*The account in Mark 16:9-20 has been in dispute. because of the German Higher Critics, bringing doubt to its validity in the manuscripts. One of the two manuscripts that were used to discredit Mark, although containing other corruptions, was notably missing the account. However, a full space was afforded in the manuscript, which could take the entire Greek text of the missing part, which indicated the scribe's uncertainty of his own omission of this portion. They did not waste papyrus without a significant reason, therefore, the conclusions of the Higher critics that this is evidence is faulty. Over 5500 carefully kept manuscripts include the account.

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over 500 people saw jesus

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