trusting, naive Credulous Gullible
There is only one God and he believes in you and wants very much for you to believe in him.
When one uses the phrase "Moving swifter" than another thing, they might mean moving faster, easily and such, than another thing. This phrase isn't very commonly used, though.
a very loving, kind and non-sense person one who love to give and stands for what he believes in.
That is not very common. You should maybe talk to your spouse or a close friend to whom you can relate your problems. If no one believes you, the only thing to do is to talk to her and ask her why she is doing this to you?.
Very easily nowadays. WikiAnswers is not going to help you to harm another living thing. Please seek psychiatric help if you keep thinking about hurting someone.
No One Believes Me was created on 2011-08-23.
We are very much like horeses. We need blinders or else we are easily distracted. Once we are very well focused on one thing and another comes up our brains automaticly notice it causeing you to get DISTRACTED.
In my opinion, the most important thing is - How easy is it to clean? Does it disassemble into easily cleanable parts? An electric wok that can't be cleaned easily is one that will be going back to the store or out to Goodwill very soon after its purchase.
Not by one person and not very easily either.
Thoreau identifies conformity as the one thing that stifles poetry and philosophy, as he believes that yielding to societal expectations limits one's ability to think freely and creatively.
If you consider the word Ultimate to mean the latest or the very best, then you can easily understand it to refer to the most recent, or last thing. It does require that you accept or believe that there is a steady improvement from one thing to the thing that follows it and that, thus, the last thing is the best thing or, in this case, the best thing is the last thing. Better certainly than the thing that preceded the last thing.