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There are 7 rays or points representing the seven seas and continents of the world.

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Q: Number of points on the statue of Liberty's crown?
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Related questions

What is on the Statue of Libertys head?

a crown on her head

Where are the observation windows in the Statue of Liberty and how do people get to them?

people walk to them others take an elevator or the tour guide shows them

What points upward on the crown of the statue of liberty?


What is the name of points on the crown of statue of liberty?

"aureole" (it represents a radiant halo)

What do the seven spikes on lady libertys crown smbolize?

they represent the 7 continents

What is on the statue of Liberty's head why?

A crown; the seven points stand for every continent (7 in all)

How many points does the statue of liberty have on her crown?

Seven. For the seven seas and the seven continents.

How manyspikes are on the statue of a liberty's crown?

There are 7. The number represents the 7 continents and 7 seas.

Windows on the lady libertys crown?

Yes there is, you used to be able to go to the top which had an observation deck but they stopped that a while back.

How many windows are in the crown of the statue of liberty?

there are 25 windows in the statue liberty and there all in her crown but one is in her torch

What do the 25 windows in the crown on the statue of liberty mean?

The Statue of Liberty has 25 windows (found in the crown at the top of the statue) which are meant to represent 25 different gemstones found on earth. The statue has several other symbolic features, such as the crown's rays, which represent the seven seas and continents.

Why are there windows in the statue of liberty's crown?

So people can look out when they go to the crown.