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It was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Also called Quaid-e-Azam (or the Great Leader) for his achievement.

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Q: Nationalist leader who demanded a separate state for Muslims on the Indian subcontinent?
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Why did the Muslims of subcontinent demand a separate homeland for themselves?

It is not true. The Muslims wanted a separate homeland in India because they feared that after the British left India, there would be Hindu Raj in India. Thus it would not be Freedom for the Muslims. It would be just the change of the Rulers. The Muslims were in majority in Bengal, the Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and North West Frontier Province. They were a separate nation with their own distinct religion, culture and traditions. They struggled hard to establish a separate homeland and succeeded in their struggle for freedom when Pakistan came into being on 14th August, 1947.

Why did some Muslim leaders want this separate state What worried them about united India?

First you have to know about the history of subcontinent,Muslims ruled subcontinent more than 600years, and when britishers conqured this land and started ruling,Hindus were against already coz Muslims ruled them and britishers against Muslims coz they took over their government so naturally both (hindus,britishers) helped each other and started to crush Muslims in every field from business to education to religion. Quaid -e-Azam Muhammed ali jinnah was first member of Indian congress and supporter of Hindu Muslim brotherhood but with time he realised and he quited that party and joined Muslim league,.Muslims have seprate culture from hindus, and it was proved in 1946 election in which 90% of Muslims voted Muslim league as their party and demanded Pakistan as seprate country. when India was came into being in 1947, Muslims ratio in jobs were 15% more or less and after 60yrs ,their ratio is now less than 5%. and every year hundreds of mulims killed in riots, their holy places are demolish. soits good and wise decision that Muslims demanded seprate nation.

When the Indian subcontinent became independent of Great Britain the subcontinent was partitioned because of?

When the Indian subcontinent became independent of Great Britain the subcontinent was partitioned because of religious differences between Hindus and Muslims.

What did the Muslims of the Sub-Continent gain from this religio-political Movement?

what did the Muslims of subcontinent gain from this religio political movement

When did the Muslims demand Pakistan?

The Muslims demanded the formation of Pakistan upon the independence of the Raj from the UK.

What are the reasons for the downfall of Muslims in subcontinent under mughal rule?

lack of knowledge

What is the role of sirsyed ahmad khan in two nation theory?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, in the attempt of representing the Muslims in India, proposed the theory that stated that Hindus and Muslims were two entirely separate communities. So, the Muslims have all the rights to establish a different nation of their own to safeguard their rights in an India, divided. This theory formed the very basis of the division of United India into- India and Pakistan.

What has the author Hindu nationalist written?

Hindu nationalist has written: 'Gandhi-Muslim conspiracy' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Muslims

Who found Pakistan?

Pakistan was founded on the basis of Two Nation Theory according to which Muslims and Hindus couldn't live together in a single country because they had different religions, different civilizations and heritage. On March 23, 1940 they (Muslims of undivided India) resolved to struggle for their separate homeland. At that time India was ruled by Britain. Muslims of subcontinent succeeded in winning their separate country on August 14, 1947.

Compare Nehru report with quaid's 14 point?

The main difference between the nehru report and jinnah points was that Nehru report focused on addressing the issues related to hindus whereas jinnah points focused on addressing the issues related to muslims. Jinnah points demanded separate rights for muslims which were left ignored in Nehru report. Jinnah demanded the separate electorate rights for muslims. He demanded that muslim majority areas should be given a separate status Jinnah suggested that sindh should be separated from the Bombay presidency. Hence Jinnah points were for the protection of rights of muslims and Nehru report failed to address the rights of muslims. A comparison of the Nehru Report with the Quaid-e-Azam's fourteen points shows that the political gap between the Muslims and the Hindus had really widened. Fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam became principles for the Muslims of India. The importance of these points can be judged by the fact that these points were presented in the Round Table Conference of 1930. As a result, these points became the demands of the Muslims and greatly influenced the Muslims thinking for the next two decades till the establishment of Pakistan in 1947

Why would the British think that the dividing the Hindus and Muslims into separate sections would be good?

This growing nationalism of India led to the founding of two nationalist groups, the Indian National Congress in 1885 and the Muslim League in 1906. This was troublesome to the British who thought that they might have to give up India. So they decided to separate the Muslims and Hindus to weaken India and get better control.

How was Pakistan get independence?

Pakistan was founded on the basis of Two Nation Theory according to which Muslims and Hindus couldn't live together in a single country because they had different religions, different civilizations and heritage. On March 23, 1940 they (Muslims of undivided India) resolved to struggle for their separate homeland. At that time India was ruled by Britain. Muslims of subcontinent succeeded in winning their separate country on August 14, 1947.