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There are 17 prophetic books in the Bible. In the Old Testament there are the books; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Omicah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. In the New Testament there is just one book, Revelation. further, all the previous is correct in the Christian Bible, that has the New and Old Testament. What is interesting, is that the Jewish Bible, which has all the same books in it as the Christian Old Testament is divided up differently in a few different ways. Example would be 1 and 2 Kings is combined into one book, as is Chronicles, but pertaining to this question is the fact that they consider other books in addition to the previous Old Testament books listed to be Prophetic Books. They divide up their prophetic books between the earlier and the latter prophets, the earlier being historical books, which we don't consider to be prophetic: Joshua Judges, Samuel, and Kings. The latter prophets being all the tradition 17 prophetic books with one deletion. Daniel is not considered a prophetic book, the Jewish Bible, but is placed with a last group of writings, the "rest of the writings" which are Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah (combined), and Daniel. Which at first glance, these seem like odd groupings. But without going into detail, it is interesting, and has many doctrinal implications that have very much to do with Christianity with the Jewish ordering, and dividing of the books.

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12y ago

The Torah, plus:

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Trei Asar (Twelve small prophetic books), Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Song of Songs, Esther, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes.

Another Answer:

In the Old Testament category, prior to the 1st century AD, the second section of Scripture, called 'The Prophets' or Nevim contained the following writings:

* Joshua-Judges

* Samuel-Kings

* Isaiah

* Jeremiah

* Ezekiel

* The Twelve ('Minor' Prophets)

Of particular note here is the exclusion of the Book of Daniel, which many today consider part of the Prophets. The reason appears to be due to Daniel being a 'eunuch' (Daniel 1:3,7) (eunuchs prohibited entering the Temple) and rank was quite important when dividing the Scripture into their main sections. Daniel was also looked upon a bit negatively due to his interpretations of pagan Kings dreams.


The question was not "a list of the Prophets", but "a list of prophetic books". The "Writings", even narratives like Ruth and Nehemiah, each have some prophetic passages.

Though Daniel is not among the Prophets section of the Jewish Bible, his book is indeed prophetic, as is clear from the interpretations of dreams, some of which came true not long afterwards (such as the death of Belshazzar). The Talmud describes Daniel as possessing prophecy (Megillah 3a).

(It might also be noted that eunuchs are permitted to enter the Temple. Their only limitation is that the Kohanim among them are not to ascend the altar to burn the sacrifices).

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14y ago

The major prophets book were Samuel, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel.

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