There are a lot of muslim sufi saints .H. Awais qarni , H Hasan Basri , H . Shah wali Ullah , ,H. Mujadid Alif Sani . , H . Shah Abdul Aziz , H . Haji Imdad Ullah Muhajir maki , H .Ali Hajveri , Hazrat Molana Allah Yar Khan and H. Molana Abdullah Bahlavi (R.A. for all )
I can find no reference to any saint named Michelle. The name is derived from the name Michael and there are several saints by that name.
There is no saint listed by the name of Ashley.
I can find no reference to any saints names Alisa of Alysa.
In my oppinion, the sufi has been come from the word "wasf" which means any special characterstics or traits,now when we taking this meaning in spirituality, its meaning becomes "the special traits which the god has given to a person"so, in my oppinion there is only one type of sufi or wali..
Shajra of any Sufi sect indicates how and from whom a sufi received the blessings of the holy Prophet. Naqashbandia Mujaddadia belongs to Hazrat Mujadad Alf Sani (RA).
This is common is South Asia and the people who do such acts are called Sufi ( plural Sufis ).
There is no reference to any saint named Rhianna. There are saints named Anna or Anne, however.
There are several saints and blesseds named Karl, from which the name Karla is derived. However, there is no St. Karla.
No, I cannot find any saints named Tessa. Although, it can be short for Therese or Teresa.
i dont really think u can take any lifestyle changes
The name of any Christian Saint. Your CCD (Religious Education) teacher can point you to a good reference book. Many people choose to take the name of a patron of the vocation of their family, or the date of their birth.
No. There have been no saints with the stigmata from birth.