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The saints are God's people. If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your hearts and made Him the Lord of your life, you are a saint.

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Q: Name all of the saints
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What is another name for All Saints Day?

The old name for All Saints day was all hallows day and the night before was All Hallow's een from which we get Halloween

What is the name of a saint that have a relationship with Jesus?

All saints had a relationship with Jesus. Were it not for this relationship, they would not be saints.

What is Halloween's other name?

All Saints Eve.

How did All Saints gets its name?

Nearly all the recognized saints have a designated feast day each year. However, there are thousands and thousands of saints in Heaven whose names are known only to God who do not have a feast day. All Saints Day recognizes all the unnamed saints.

How did Halloween come to it's name?

The word Hallowe'en gets its name from the fact that it occures on the evening before (the eve of) the Christian festival of All Hallows - or All Saints. November 1st is All Saints' day.

What is the name of the holiday that occurs November 1st?

all saints day

How did the saints get the name?

The Saints got their name from the city of New Orleans, whose 'song' was When The Saints Go Marching In.

What is the all saints team known for?

The Saints are known for the origin of their name which comes from the jazz song, When the Saints Come Marching In and their team color, black and gold which symbolizes the strong ties to oil.

Is the name 'Ever' a saints name or a variation of a saints name?

There are no saints with a first name of 'Ever.' However, there are a few related names.Everard HanseEverildEverild of EveringhamEverildisEveringham, Everild ofEvermod of RatzeburgEvers, Christopher

When was For All the Saints created?

For All the Saints was created in 1864.

How did Saint Vincent get its name?

I am not sure which of the saints named Vincent you are referring to but nearly all of the Vincents were given that name by their parents.

What is All Saints Catholic Elementary School's motto?

The motto of All Saints Catholic Elementary School is 'All Saints, All Stars'.