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The English term archangel is based on a Greek term archangelos. which means "chief", or "first angel". The term archangelos appears only twice in The Bible. Paul speaks of the voice of the archangel accompanying the return of Christ to earth (1 Thess. 4:16). The second reference is in Jude 9 which refers to Michael as an archangel who disputed with the devil over Moses' body. Gabriel fought together with Michael for Israel against the Prince of Persia in Revelation 12:7, but it in these terms and text, it is only Michael whom commands the forces of God against the forces of the dragon in a war in heaven. Gabriel is a heavenly messenger who brings people a message from the Lord and can be found in Daniel 8:15-27; 9:20-27, and Luke 1:8-20, 26-38.

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Q: Life of st gabriel the archangel?
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