What accusations were made against the Jews?
The question does not specify when, so here are a few examples:-- in Roman times, Jews were accused of being atheists, because they did not believe in the Roman gods.-- in medieval times, Jews were accused of poisoning wells and causing the plague.-- in medieval times, Jews were accused of kidnapping Christian children and murdering them to get their blood because that was a necessary ingredient in Passover matzah. This is known as the blood libel.-- in medieval times, Jews were accused of murdering Christ, the crime of deicide.-- in medieval times, Jews were forbidden to enter any trade but banking, and then blamed for being interested only in money.-- in the 19th century, Jews were accused of a secret conspiracy to rule the world.-- in the 20th century, Jews were accused of starting wars in order to profit from making loans to both sides.-- in the 21st century, Jews were accused of causing 9/11.-- Jews are still accused of atheism, because they deny the Christian trinity and the deity of Jesus.