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Q: Jewish ruling body which first questioned Jesus?
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Who questioned Jesus fist after He was arrested in the garden?

Peter questioned Jesus first after He was arrested in the garden, cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant.

How does Matthew emphasize Jesus' Jewish heritage Why does he do thisAnswer?

Jesus was Jewish and all first Christians were Jewish so was Matthew. This is the foundation of Christianity.

Did Christianity come from the Hebrew religion?

Yes. Jesus was Jewish. He was (is) the Jewish Messiah that modern followers of Judaism are still waiting for. In the first century, all of the first followers of Jesus were Jewish.

Why is Matthew considered to be Jewish?

All of the first Christians were Jewish. Jesus and his disciples were all Jewish.

What religion first believe in Jesus Christ?

Some Jews who were Jewish like Jesus, first believed in Jesus Christ.

What was the first thing questioned about Jesus?

Jesus was questioned many times. The following are just a few examples: * John the Baptist's disciples questioned Jesus about why Jesus and His disciples weren't fasting (Matthew 9:14). * The chief priests and elders questioned Jesus about His authority (Matthew 21:23). * The Sadducees questioned Jesus about the issue of a man's brother marrying the man's widow (Matthew 22:23-28). * A Pharisee asked Jesus about the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:36). * The Pharisees asked Jesus about healing on the Sabbath (Mathew 12:10). * Jesus' disciples asked Him why He spoke in parables (Matthew 13:10). * The Pharisees questioned Jesus on His disciples' hand washing (Matthew 15:2). * Jesus' disciples asked Him why they weren't able to drive out a certain demon (Matthew 17:19). * Pilate asked Jesus if He was King of the Jews (Mark 15:2).

Prior Religions of the first followers of jesus?

Most, but not all, were Jewish.

When Jesus was first spreading his teaching what did some Jewish leaders accused him of?


Was Mary Magdalene Jewish?

Mary Magdalene was born into a Jewish family, but as a follower of Jesus, she eventually became one of the first Christians.

Who was the judge that the Romans brought Jesus to?

Jesus was brought from Caiaphas' house to appear before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. The Jewish leaders charged Jesus with subversion of both Israel and Rome. Two of their charges were designed especially to get Pilate's attention. The first was that Jesus opposed paying taxes to Caesar and that Jesus claimed to be king. Finding no fault in Him, Pilate summoned Jesus into Herod's palace and questioned Him further. In the course of the conversation, Pilate learned Jesus was a Galilean and was under Herod's jurisdiction. So Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, who had heard about Jesus and wanted to see Him. Herod had Jesus dressed in a robe and sent back to Pilate. When Jesus came back, Pilate told the Jewish leaders that neither he nor Herod could find Jesus guilty of a crime that brought with it the death penalty.

Who were the first christians ands Jewish people?

The first Jew, according to Jewish tradition, was Abraham, who lived around 4000 years ago. The first Christian is unknown, but would have been the immediate followers of Jesus.

Where is Christianity's place of orgin?

It was in Palestine today’s Israel and Jesus as well as all the first Christians were Jewish.