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No, Jesus was from birth to 23 as far as we know.

Answer:The Christian documentation of Jesus life from birth to before starting his ministry is pretty sparse. The only notable incident as the visit to the temple in Jerusalem at 12 where he talked to the Rabbis. The Qur'an is similarly quiet on this period.
A logical assumption would be that he was apprenticed to his father or a relative to take up ta trade.
Less creditable proposals are that he joined the Essenes, a religious group and studied with them.
Even less creditable is the thought that he visited India and studied Buddhism.
But for truly strange you have to refer to the stories of Jesus' life which were common in the Middle Ages. These were written up as the Protoevangelium of James.There was also a mass of popular fables and miracle stories which captivated the minds of the Middle Ages and have come down to us as the "Infancy Gospels." In these tales Jesus come across as a combination "Dennis the Menace" and Superman.
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In Luke's Gospel, he was brought up and Nazareth in Galilee, where he probably helped his father and learnt to be a carpenter. Each year, he accompanied his parents to Jerusalem for the Passover celebrations. It was on one of these trips, when he was twelve years old, that he became lost (Luke 2:41-43).

In Matthew's Gospel, he was taken by his parents to Egypt soon after birth, for fear of King Herod, who wished to have him killed. They remained there, probably some years, until Herod had died, then began the return journey to Bethlehem. Being warned of further danger in Judea, which was now ruled by Herod's son Archelaus, they turned aside toGalilee and settled in a city called Nazareth (Matthew 2:22-23). Archelaus ruled for six years after his father's death, so Jesus could not have travelled to Jerusalem each year for the Passover; nevertheless he was probably taught, both in Egypt and in Nazareth, the craft of a carpenter.

John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus) says neither account contains any historical truth, so we do not really know what Jesus was doing in the years between his birth and the age of twelve.

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