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Q: It is visible from great distances it is a reminder to all who see it of the wealth and power of the leader of the people who built it and of his glory and greatness as a god here on earth'' what does?
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Who wrote this passage it is visble from great distances it is a reminder to all who see it of the wealth and power of the leader of the people who built it and of his glory and greatnesses as a god?

Egyptian Pharoah and his pyramid

What is a sentence using the word greatness?

His greatness as a leader inspired countless people to strive for betterment.

Explain The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power?

When a leader does not care what their people want and does whatever they want instead. The leader is being selfish.

Can you say a few word about the greatness of mahatma gandhi?

Mohandas Gandhi was a Great Leader of India

Who is the leader who appears among the Jews to restore greatness of ancient Israel?

The messiah, whom we still await.

Is Avril Lavigne a leader?

Yes she is a leader because to Canadians, she set a goal and went for it. She achieved her goals in life. She is known all over the world for her greatness!

Why does the name Mackenzie mean?

Intelligence, sweetness, and greatness. by the way- my name's Mackenzie:-) It also, can mean " Daughter of the Wise leader" (I would know my name is MacKenzie too)

People rejected god wanted a king like the other nation?

They wanted a more visible leader, King Saul.

Biko the greatness - analyze?

biko was a great leader of the movement of rights in the south African society. He had done every possible thing to for the rights of black people and told them to stay and fight for their rights unless you get success.

Is a general's win-loss record on the battlefield is the best gauge of measuring greatness as a military leader?

During the American Civil War, but it is also true in most other military contexts, a general's win-loss record on the battlefield is, indeed, the best gauge for measuring his greatness as a military leader. It remains true that many excellent generals can be found among those who lost more times than they won, mostly because battles are not won solely through generalship: supply, morale, and political considerations may also have a decisive effect on battle-results.

Was napoleon was a great leader?

He was a charismatic leader and a competent military leader, competent at logistics, competent at planning but greatness failed him. I would say that he was great - he certainly outreached competent.

Who is marthin Luther king?

Martin Luther King is a German Monk who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.