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Q: Is zakat not permissible to Awan like Syed?
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What is the similarities between tax and zakat?

zakat for 8 types of people like poor , ... tax for the government but there is some Condition to be taken from the People not like we-see today

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Permissible war methods are established guidelines in which countries fight each other. Independent groups, like terrorists, do not follow these guidelines.

Is anita cheating on syed in eastenders?

yeah, since like half an hour ago you could say that

Which of the five pillars of Islam is like charity?

Zakat, which is the tax of 1/40th of one's total wealth each year.

What fishes can Muslims eat?

All seafood is halal, or permissible (as long as it's not poisonous or anything like that).

Do you call syeds to all those people who belongs to 12 imams?

Syed is a like a salutations or surname given to the descendants of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). But it is also an Arabic way of addressing somebody. It is equivalent to calling somebody "mister". To have Syed as part of your name and to be call Syed is 2 different things. Returning to your question. If you are Arabic then you'll be calling all that is older or more authority than you Syed or other Arabic honorific terms. If you are not then you have a choice to call them using Arabic honorifics or you own language honorifics.

Is there a concept like Islamic zakat in other religions?

Yes, many religions believe that almsgiving is important to lead a proper spiritual life.

Why sir syed ahmed khan was called a kafir?

Because Sir syed Ahmad Khan's Dogmas were against islam, for example:- 1) He refused the existence of jin and Angels. 2) He refused Miracles of the holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, like MERAG(isra). etc.

Can you give zakat yo your real uncle?

yes you can and it is better because you have to help the people near to you more than any one . you can't pay zakat to your roots like " mother ,father , grand father ..." and also you can't pay zakat to your leaves like"sons ,your sons's sons "

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The full form of FSI is Floor Space Index. It is a parameter that determines the permissible construction area on a piece of land, based on factors like plot size, zoning regulations, and permissible building height.

How much zakat should we pay?

There are two types of zakat: Zakat al-Fitr is distributed at the end of Ramadan. The amount is based on the number of dependents in the household. The purpose of it is to provide the poor with food for the feast. Ideally it is paid in the form of food, rather than cash. The other type of zakat is a percentage of a person's financial holdings throughout the year, and it must be paid once a year, although a person can any date he/she likes. Many people also like to pay this form of zakat in Ramadan, because acts of worship performed in Ramadan earn greater rewards. There are two types of zakat: Zakat al-Fitr is distributed at the end of Ramadan. The amount is based on the number of dependents in the household. The purpose of it is to provide the poor with food for the feast. Ideally it is paid in the form of food, rather than cash. The other type of zakat is a percentage of a person's financial holdings throughout the year, and it must be paid once a year, although a person can any date he/she likes. Many people also like to pay this form of zakat in Ramadan, because acts of worship performed in Ramadan earn greater rewards.