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It is supported in quran, but it is not completely apparent upon first look.

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Q: Is worshipping on facing kaaba is supported in quran?
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What are some Islamic holy objects?

Quran as the God holy book and Kaaba as the God holy house.

Who created the kaba?

The very first construction of the kaaba was done by Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Allah says in the Quran that this was the first house that was built for humanity to worship Allah. After this, Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them) rebuilt the kaaba

Why does the prayer hall face towards mecca?

the Kaaba Masjid UL harem is in Make. And Kaaba is a Direction For all Muslims that is directed by Allah in the Holy Quran. All the Muslims should pray to words it. It shows The unity of Muslims and shows how we obey Allah (sw).

Why is the Quran so sacred?

It's Allah's word. It's the first & main source of Islam. It's needed in worshipping Allah by reciting & listening to its verses.

What happend when imam ali is born?

when his mother was pregnant and visiting Kaaba (the home of God at Mecca) she felt pain of birth and could not go to home. immediately the wall of Kaaba opened and she entered and wall closed people took the key of door of Kaaba but could not open the door. after 3 days she came our with the baby in his hands. and the baby recited some verses of Quran.

Is a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca required by Muslims in the 5 Pillars of the Quaran?

The pilgrimage to the Kaaba (hajj is required if you are finiancially and healthy enough to. The Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam (not Quran.) MUSLIMS DO NOT WORSHIP THE KAABA!!! Muslims a place to pray toward, but they worship ALLAH only. Bilal, in the Prophet's time (pbuh), would stand on the Kaaba to call for prayer. Just so you know.

Who is more powerful sunni or shiite?

It is not of concern or value who is more powerful. Both sects are Muslims believing in Quran and Prophet Muhammad and praying facing the same direction of Kaaba.

Where is the cave of Hira?

The Cave of Hira is located on a mountain named Jabal al-Nour (Mountain of Light) approximately 2.5 miles from the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the cave where Prophet Muhammad received the first revelations of the Quran from the Angel Gabriel.

What is written on the kaaba?

although it doesnt directly say, but yes, the words are stitched with gold embroidery (read gold threads) and they are verses from the Quran..and they change each year.. I dont know as to whose authority they choose which verses.. But I suppose it doesnt matter.. maybe they rotate a new verse every year so that the whole Quran will eventually be on the kiswah( the actual cloth) at some time or another.

What were the main values that Muhammad preached?

Prophet Muhammad preached the values that shaped the Islam ethics and morals and supported by Quran Golden Rules.Refer to the related questions below for more information.

Why is the Kaaba important to Muslims?

Updated AnswerKaaba is important to Muslims for the following reasons:Kaaba was supposedly raised by the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), the father of God prophets, and with support and help of the Prophet Ismael, the ancestor of prophet Muhammad (peace upon them all).All Muslims allover the world, regardless their different schools, pray to the direction facing Kaaba. This is per command of God (Allah) in Quran.Turning around Kaaba is kind of praying and God worship.Kaaba is a central part of Hajj, a pilgrimage performed by millions of Muslims year after year.Kaaba is surrounded by the Grand Mosque, called Al-Masjid Al-Haram, the biggest mosque in the world. Its capacity could be more than 4 millions of prayers.AnswerThe Kaaba is the site where Muslims direct their prayer towards as it was revealed by God in the Quran. Its for the unity of Muslims so people don't pray everywhere and there is one unity among Muslim when they pray.Kaaba is just a sacred mosque that's all, we direct our prayer toward it but we pray to Allah (swt) God.The Kaaba is also a central part of Hajj, a pilgrimage performed by millions of Muslims year after year.

Most Muslims believe that they should:A. stay away from Mecca and Kaaba temple B. follow rules set in the Quran and the hadith C. pray once a year during the month of Ramadan D. force non-muslims to change their religions?

b I think